We are the USC Mann Associated Student Pharmacists, Class of 2026 (ASP Class of 2026 Board). The purpose of this organization is to unite and represent academic and career issues related to the USC Mann Class of 2026.
Position | First Name | Last Name | USC Email | Officer Email |
President | Mark | Hanin | mhanin@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
Vice President | Marina | Hanna | mmhanna@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Sana | Arjmand | sarjmand@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
Secretary | Serena | Thai | thaisere@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
CC Representative | Simran | Doshi | simrando@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
Historian | Shirin | Mohammadi | shirinmo@usc.edu | pharmusc2026@gmail.com |
Faculty Advisor | Angel | Tabancay |